¿Qué significa para mi la Biodanza?

CENTRO DE DESARROLLO BIOCÉNTRICO Y DE BIODANZA EN MÉXICO, S.C. Sistema Rolando Toro Araneda_Scuolatoro Società Cooperativa Sociale                                                                                     ¿QUIÉN SOY? Soy Susana Bastian, brasileña de nacimiento y mexicana, por naturalización. Sin embargo, en mi corazón, no hay fronteras, ni naciones, ni Read more…

Rolando Toro - Biography

[multilanguage_switcher]Rolando Toro Araneda, born in Concepción (Chile) on April 19, 1924, died at the age of 85 on February 16, 2010 in Santiago, Chile. He was a psychologist and pedagogue, anthropologist, painter, musician and poet.



lettera aperta

Open Letter

[multilanguage_switcher layout="flags-icons"]“If the world doesn’t have a house for you build one for yourself.”
So goes the popular motto inviting one to willingly assume their own vocation, their own destiny. And this is what we have done. After th…


Biodanza, a mix of art, science and love

In the years following the Second World War, Rolando Toro Araneda developed the considerations that led him to create Biodanza.

In his personal experience – he wrote – many forces ma…