AIPOB mission and values

A reflection along the way from Silvia Signorelli

director of AIPOB

aipob mission e valori AIPOB’s priority commitment is to promote and support the professional development of members by systematically offering them professional refresher courses both in disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields, as well as opportunities to meet, structured moments in which to exchange, listen, allow our professionalism to grow and develop, always keeping the sister priority of preserving the original Biodanza system as it was conceived and lovingly left to us by its founder, Professor Rolando Toro Araneda in our heart and in our actions.   In fact the great effectiveness of the vivencia as Rolando proposed it, over many years of teaching, is an experience that is a part of each one of us, an effectiveness in terms of integration at all levels, to use a less technical term, I would say harmonization: with oneself, with others and with the world, as well as self-knowledge and self-expression.   This effectiveness is at the heart of what we, as Biodanza operators, aim to achieve in the various practical proposals that we organize all over the world: proposing an experience that can work effectively for the participants, while respecting the approach and measure of each person.   The Association offers itself as a meeting place and as a common space for all the operators who identify themselves in Professor Toro Araneda’s original system. A place where each member can share their experiences, listen to the experiences of others, grow together, and become ever more the operator that they wish to become. An operator who is capable of best expressing the uniqueness of the original system and, at the same time, his or her own uniqueness in their conduction Biodanza.   With this objective, AIPOB is committed to facilitating encounters, dedicated to both the further studies of theoretical-methodological aspects (for example, refresher courses) and to vivencial encounters (for example, the Oceanic Vivencia), to encourage the sharing of professional practice between member operators.   For its members, AIPOB also acts as a point of connection, with the world of institutions, businesses and the academic world, ensuring an adequate professional and ethical level of collaborative projects.   As part of its work, the association acts in synergy with other bodies involved in the dissemination of the original Biodanza system, such as the privileged partners BRT, Scuolatoro Study Centre the Centre of Biocentric Education.   Biodanza proposes a concrete way of starting to feel life. The very act of dancing repeats the pulsation of birth and the absolute necessity for love.   The aim of Biodanza is to stimulate the rebirth of the pulsating human creature: to resurrect from an old, inert body and transform oneself into the pure energy of connection. Biodanza is a path of enlightenment and expansion of consciousness: in their dances the participants realize the act of totally connecting with the creative energy of life …   from Biodanza vincerà la guerra (Biodanza will combat the war) – by Rolando Toro Araneda – L’Alfabeto della vita, poetica della Biodanza, pag. 79 The alphabet of life, the poetry of Biodanza, page 79