Constitution and durability – Registered office – Purpose – Associated Activities
Art. 1. Formation and duration
Pursuant to Art. 36 of the Civil Code, an association called the International Professional Association of Operators of the Biodanza Rolando Toro Araneda System has been constituted.
The Association may also use the following abbreviated name: AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System.
The duration of the Association is unlimited.
Art. 2 Location and territorial organization
The association is based in Milan (MI) and for the purposes of social aims can be structured in Territorial Sections. The Board of Directors, who will determine the territorial scope of expertise, must authorize the establishment of Territorial Sections. The Board of Directors may also dissolve the Territorial Sections when they fail to meet the requirements and conditions for which they were constituted. The Territorial Sections operate according to regulations approved by the Board of Directors.
Art. 3 Social Aims
The association is a non-profit organization, is autonomous and independent of every economic, political, union or religious power and has the following purposes:
- Protect the profession of Biodanza practitioners in accordance with the Will expressed in the document “Regulatory Guideline for Training Schools for Teachers in Rolando Toro Biodanza System” written for years by Rolando Toro Araneda as well in his “Intellectual Testament”;
- Protect the practitioner’s profession of Biodanza in accordance with Law no. 4 -2013 and other regulations of the sector;
- Organize the cultural growth of professional operators providing Biodanza, studies and the diffusion of knowledge and information relevant to the conduction of its activity in a logic of continuous improvement, in accordance with Regulatory Guideline for Schools of Teachers Training in Rolando Toro Biodanza System”;
- Define and propagate the prescriptions and principles of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
- e) Define the different profiles of professionals in Biodanza as indicated in Art. 6 of Law 4/2013, the relevant standards of quality and professional qualification, also in any eventual agreement with the indications of accredited organizations, institutions and agencies;
- f) Ensure the presence of a technical and scientific structure dedicated to the lifelong training of associates and promote it amongst the members themselves;
- g) Provide for the issuance of the certifications required by Art. 7 of Law 4/ 2013, and the regulations in force;
- h) To represent the demands of professional members;
- i) To promote forms of security to protect the user, such as the activation of a reference desk for the citizen consumer.
- j) To valorize the skills of its members, ensuring compliance with the rules of professional conduct and facilitate the selection and protection of users with respect to the rules of competitors;
- k) To promote the skills and lifelong training of its members following the guidelines expressed in the “Regulations for Lifelong training”, drawn up and approved by the Board. This training is organized in accordance with the typical themes of Biodanza – a system of human integration, organic renewal, rehabilitation, emotional relearning and of relearning the original functions of life. His methodology consists in the acceleration of integration processes at the cellular, immunological, metabolic, neuroendocrine, and existential cortex levels using the ‘vivencia’ introduced into an environment enriched by music, dance, touch, caress, and the presence of the group. The enriched environment, is a set of coherent stimuli that are repeated and produce the effects of organic and existential transformations (Rolando Toro Araneda), aimed at promoting the welfare of the individual and the community – according to the theoretical model and methodology contained and personally developed in it by Professor Rolando Toro Araneda and secondly the extensions and applications of Biodanza approved by Rolando Toro Araneda, during his lifetime and by the Department of Methodology, after his death.
Art 4. Associated Activities
AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System undertakes the work of the dissemination of themes and subjects related to the exercise of the profession of Biodanza Operators. In order to ensure a wide range of activities that, in a non-exhaustive list may be:
- a) Creating a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, prepared on the basis of the principles of professional ethics;
- b) Promoting lifelong learning aimed at achieving standards of quality and professional qualification and its maintenance over time;
c ) Arranging meetings, workshops, conventions, round tables, conferences, debates in merit of topics whose knowledge and whose depth study are considered necessary to the professional and managerial updating of the Members;
d ) Promoting relations with institutions and associations in a complementary sector or sectors or similar activities, both domestic and foreign , also adhering to the organization’s national and international specifications. This activity can find its realization also constituting from scratch or participating in other organizations and associations whomever, by virtue of their statutory purposes, are deemed appropriate to achieve the objectives of AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System;
- Carry out work of information and dissemination with members through the
distribution of books, documents, articles, studies, monographs and research results. Whenever possible economic and professional journals pertaining to the relevant sector of the Association will be made available to members free of charge or at subsidized prices; - Create a informative network for members useful for the dissemination of data and information on prices of goods and services, on market trends and, in general, on national and international aspects of which are of interest to the professional activities of the Members themselves.
- After deliberation by the Council, to be ratified by the members, adhering to other associations, federations, associative co-ordinations or bodies when it might be useful to the achievement of social goals. In particular, after its establishment, the association will adhere to: Scuolatoro – Social Cooperative Society.
Members: type – rights and duties – admission – associative dues – exclusion
Article 5 Types of Membership
Members may be adult individuals, as well as companies or corporations, legal persons and entities, of any nationality and resident anywhere. The discipline of the associative relationship and associative modalities is to ensure that the effectiveness of the relationship itself is uniform and participation by the members in the association will not be temporary.
All of the following types of members are required to comply with the Articles of Association, the Regulations and the Code of Ethics applicable to AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System:
1 . FOUNDING MEMBERS: Individuals who have founded the association in order to achieve social goals;
2 . ORDINARY MEMBERS: Biodanza Operators who have regularly achieved the title at a School of Education which is recognized and authorized by the Scuolatoro – Social Cooperative Society, whomever recognize themselves in the document “Regulatory Guidance for Teacher Training Schools in Rolando Toro Biodanza System” and in Rolando Toro’s “Intellectual Testament”;
3 . CERTIFIED MEMBERS: Ordinary Members in possession of the “Certificate of professional qualification” issued by the Association and maintained valid according to the rules laid down by it in compliance with quality standards and professional qualifications that members are obliged to respect in the exercising of professional activity. The certification of professional qualification is taken up and maintained for the purpose of maintenance of membership to the association in the quality of certified member.
4 . TRAINEE MEMBERS: Students of training schools recognized by Scuolatoro – Social Cooperative Society, during their internship, as long as they are in possession of the Authorization for Internship issued by the Training School.
On completion of their internship over a two year period, the corresponding member becomes a Biodanza operator acquiring to all effects the position of Ordinary Member.
After two years, if the student trainee has not yet completed the training process and acquired the title of Biodanza operator, this will invalidate their capacity as Member. Exceptions may be authorized by resolution of the Board of Directors, passed unanimously by those members, with the approval of the Director of the School of Education who issued the authorization of internship of the student in question.
5 . SUPPORTING MEMBERS: Individuals, companies or corporations , organizations, institutions , universities, and other associations that contribute to the life and development of AIPOB – Rolando Toro System Araneda and are interested in developing synergies with the Association in order to enhance the culture and the spread of Biodanza.
The company or corporation, organizations, institutions, universities, and other associations are represented by person designated by them, coming from specific areas of interest of the Association.
Ordinary members with associative relevant seniority and former presidents of AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System, who do not contemporarily occupy the position of Past President, or people who have contributed substantially to the realization of the mission of the association.
HONORARY MEMBERS, SUPPORTERS or TRAINEES and do not have voting rights, and in particular the number of Trainee Members must not prevail over the total number of Ordinary Members and Certified members, but be in the minority .
Article 6 Rights and Duties of Members
- Participate in the ordinary and extraordinary assemblies with deliberative vote, expressing a vote by proxy;
1 . Attend the Association and use the services provided;
2 . Receive the publications of the Association, as well as available information.
3 . Be elected to all offices.
4 . Request the convening of the ordinary and extraordinary general meetings in the manner provided by this Statute
1 . Be in compliance with the membership fees.
2 . Comply with the provisions of this Statute, Internal Regulations and Code of Conduct applicable to AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System
3 . Observe the resolutions of the governing bodies to regulate the activities of the Association.
4 . Maintain an appropriate behavior to social purposes.
5 . Comply with the obligation of Continuing Education as approved by the Governing Bodies and established in the Internal Regulations.
1 . Participate in the ordinary and extraordinary assemblies without voting rights.
2 . Attend the Association and use the services provided as approved by the Board of Directors.
3 . Receive the publications of the Association, as well as available
1 . Be in compliance with the membership fees
2 . Comply with the provisions of this Statute, Internal Regulations and Code of Conduct applicable to AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System.
3 . Observe the resolutions of the governing bodies to regulate the activities of the Association.
4 . Maintain an appropriate behavior to social purposes.
Art. 7 Admission of Members
The application form must be submitted to the Association by written request. The Board of Directors, subject to any request for information, may accept or reject the request with firm decision. The motivation for a refusal of an application for admission must always be given.
The right to appeal to the Appeals Board against the deliberate exclusion by the board is
given to a subject.
Art. 8 Dues
– Membership fees, which could be differentiated according to the type of Member, are defined annually by the Board and must be paid on the acceptance of the membership application or, in the case of renewal, the beginning of each fiscal year and not later than the 31 March of the same year;
– The above-mentioned are fixed per calendar year and shall not be divisible;
– The loss of membership does not entitle the reimbursement of fees.
– The above-mentioned are not transferable inter vivos and are not revalued (pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 4 letter d – f , Legislative Decree no. 460/97 ) .
Art. 9 Causes and modes of exclusion of members
a) Grounds for exclusion
– Violation of the provisions of this Statute, the Internal Regulations and the Code of Conduct;
– Non- compliance with the guidelines of association arising from the Will
expressed in the document ” Regulatory Guidance for Teacher Training Schools in Biodanza Rolando Toro System” drawn up for years by Rolando Toro Araneda well as in his “”Intellectual Testament”;
– Non- compliance with the Members duties:
b ) Conditions for exclusion
– Resignation : The Member may submit their resignation at any time
when these are received by the Board they are automatically accepted. If the letter of resignation is received by AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System by the deadline of 31 March, the resigning member shall not be required to pay the annual fee, if, on the contrary, they are submitted after that date, the shareholder still has the obligation to pay the fee. In any case, the resignations of the registered Member are registered in the succeeding year (and thus the resigning member remains in the archives of the Association, as a member to all effects throughout the entire year in which the resignation is presented);
– Violation of the rules: in this case, the exclusion has effect immediately
from the date of resolution of the Board of Arbitrators;
– Arrears: for non-payment it is intended the non payment of membership subscription fees of the year in reference after the end of March 31. As a result of the determination of arrears the Board of Directors sends communication to the Member, who has 30 days grace to regularize their administrative position. After 30 days. The Board of Directors may resolve the immediate exclusion of the Member.
Social Bodies
Art.9 Organs of Association
The organs of the association are:
1) The General Meeting of Members;
2) The Board of Directors;
3) The President and Vice-President of the Association
4) The Treasurer
5) The Territorial Sections;
6) The Scientific Committee;
7) The Board of Arbitrators.
The organs of the Association are freely eligible by entitled members, for the relevant criteria for the title and the publications of the approved members’ resolutions, see the following articles of this Statute.
The duration of the committees and officers is fixed by these Articles in later articles. The members of the organs of the Association, do not receive emoluments in relation to their participation in the activities of the bodies themselves and the offices held, but only reimbursement of expenses as authorized by the Board.
The Association relies mainly on voluntary activity on a voluntary basis by its members in the pursuit of institutional goals.
The Association may, in addition, in case of special needs, hire full time employees or make
use of temporary, occasional or part time employment, even from within its own membership.
Article 10 . The Members’ General Meeting
The Ordinary General Meeting is composed of all the Members having the right to vote in the
Member’s register on the date of execution .
The Assembly is convened by the President of the Association when:
– The President deems it appropriate;
– A request is made by the Executive Council with details of the agenda;
– Is requested in writing by at least 10% of the members entitled to vote with an indication the subject matter.
For cases 2 and 3 the President must provide the convening within 30 days
from the date of the request.
The Assembly shall meet at least once a year to approve budgets, within 4 months from the
end of the year.
The date and place are set by the Board of Directors.
The notice calling the meeting with the proposed agenda must be published on the website
of the Association at least 15 days before the date set for the convocation itself. If deemed
appropriate, in addition to publishing on the site it can also be sent to members by email.
Such notice must contain the list of topics, including necessarily those proposed by those whoever has made the request.
The Ordinary General Meeting is validly constituted on first call with the presence of a majority (half plus one) of all the Members having the right to vote and in second call regardless of the number of the Members entitled to vote present in person or by proxy.
The second call may not take place less than 24 hours after the first.
Each Member may be the bearer of not more than 2 proxies.
Each Member present or present by proxy is entitled to one vote.
The Ordinary General Meeting:
– Elects the members of the Board of Directors, and the Board of Arbitrators;
– Appoints Honorary Members on proposal of the Board of Directors
– Approves balances and final accounts and cost estimates and the report of the Board of Directors;
– Resolves and addresses the general policies of the Association;
– Resolves liability actions against the members of the Executive Council of the Association for acts carried out by the same non-observant of the duties imposed by this Charter and the laws and regulations in act;
– Approves the Regulations and the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct drawn up by the Executive Board
The Ordinary General Meeting is chaired by the President of the Association or, in their absence, by the Vice-President or in the absence of both, by a person appointed by the Assembly.
Whomever presides over the Meeting shall verify the correct constitution, coordinate the activity, and appoint the Secretary, prepares the minutes and order the transcript in the appropriate book and send it to all members (pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 4 – d letter, and Legislative Decree no. 460/97).
The resolutions of the Ordinary Assembly are taken in both the first and second meeting
with the favorable vote of half plus one of the entitled Members in person or by proxy.
In resolutions concerning the liability of the members of the Executive Council, these do not
have the right to vote , even in representation of delegated members.
The Extraordinary General Meeting
The Extraordinary General Meeting consists of all the Members having the right to vote registered in the member’s book on the date of execution.
The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened by the President of the Association:
– On the request of the Executive Council,
– On written request containing the arguments to treat formulated by at least
15% of the members entitled to vote and addressed to the President at the
headquarters of the Association.
The Board of Directors shall fix the date and place of the Extraordinary Meeting, the General Meeting must be convened no later than 45 days from the date on which the request is received at the office of the Association.
The notice calling the Meeting with the proposed agenda must be on the Association’s website and sent to members by mail at least 30 days before the date fixed for the Meeting and must include a list of topics, including necessarily those proposed by whomever has requested the convocation.
It is the duty of the Extraordinary Members’ Meeting:
– To change the Statute.
– To deliberate the dissolution of the Association and the appointment of the liquidator.
In the event of dissolution of the Association allocate the assets remaining in compliance with applicable laws.
In case of changes to the Articles, proxy validly constitutes the Extraordinary General Meeting on first call, if at least two-thirds of those entitled to vote are present in person or by proxy.
In the second call, after at least 24 hours, the Extraordinary Members’ Meeting is validly constituted if at least a quarter of the Members are present, in person or by proxy.
In the case of resolutions relating to the dissolution of the Association and to the transfer of the assets, reference is made to the law in force for validity.
Every member entitled to vote may be the bearer of not more than 2 proxies. Each Member present or present by proxy has right to one vote.
The President of the Association or in their absence the Vice-President chairs the Extraordinary General Meeting. In the absence of both, a person appointed by the Assembly chairs it.
Whomever presides over the Meeting shall verify the correct constitution, shall coordinate the activity, appoint the Secretary, prepares the minutes, order the transcript in the appropriate book and send it to all Members (pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 4 – d letter, and Legislative Decree no. 460/97).
In case of amendment of the Statute, the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting are taken, both in first and second call, with the favorable vote of half plus one of the Members present in person or by proxy.
In case of dissolution of the Association and the devolution of assets the resolutions are passed with the favorable vote of at least three fourths of the members.
Article 11 The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Association.
Founding Members, ordinary members and certified members not subject to foreclosure proceedings and with at least three (3) years of continuous Association enrollment
may apply for the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors is composed of:
- A minimum of 3 members up to a maximum of 7 members elected by the Ordinary General Meeting. Of these at least 70% rounded to the nearest whole number must belong to the category of the Founding Members, or Certified Members with at least 3 years of seniority membership.
- The presidents of the Chamber, or by written proxy and representing the President of Territorial Section, who was unable to attend, a member of the Section who are not part of the Executive Council in another capacity.
The Board of Directors is appointed for three years.
The members of the Board of Directors are not eligible for more than three consecutive mandates.
The members of the Board of Directors shall automatically terminate in the event of unjustified absence from three consecutive General Meetings.
The members of the Board of Directors shall automatically terminate in the event of loss of their membership eligibility.
At Meetings of the Council, participation without the right to vote and by invitation of the President may be extended to:
– The Past-President of the Association
– A member of the Board of Arbitrators,
– The managers or coordinators of specific positions within the Association.
In case of death, resignation and exclusion from the Association of one of the members, the Council shall be provide for the replacement with the first non-elected, choosing in the case of an equal number of votes, the member with the most seniority of membership. If there are no longer a majority of directors, the remaining directors must call a Meeting for the replacement of the missing members. The Directors thus appointed shall hold office until the expiry of the Executive Council.
Within 15 days after news of the appointment, the appointed Director must lodge a declaration of acceptance in writing at the headquarters.
The appointment of the Board is governed by art. 2382 of the CC
The Directors Council shall be convened by the President or, in their absence and/or inability, the Vice President, at least twice a year and whenever so requested in writing by at least one third of its members.
The notice of convocation by letter, fax or email must be issued to all members of the Council with a notice of at least 15 days. In exceptional cases, the notice may be sent by telegram or fax or email by the President at least 3 days before. The notice must contain the date, the place of the Meeting and the matters on the agenda.
To all intents and purposes the Directors Council held in audio or videoconference is considered valid.
The Board is validly constituted with the presence of at least half plus one of its members who are entitled to vote. Decisions are taken by a majority of those present. In case of a tie, the vote of the person chairing the Meeting is worth double.
Duties of the Board of Directors
– Carry out the resolutions of the Assembly in respect of the law and the Articles of Association;
– To appoint, from amongst its members elected by the Ordinary General Meeting of the Association, the President, a Vice President, the Treasurer, giving them their powers;
– Determine the guidelines and all necessary measures for the development and proper functioning of the Association;
– Appoint, amongst the members, representatives of the Association to federations and various other bodies;
– Supervise the activities of the operating institutions of the Association and approve the establishment and dissolution of the territorial sections, of which the Board of Directors also establishes the Regulations;
– Approve the draft of the annual statement of accounts and financial management prepared by the Treasurer, subject to the approval of the Assembly;
– Determine the form in which elections of the corporate bodies will be held;
– Propose amendments, to this Statute, to the Rules of Professional Conduct and Ethics at the Extraordinary Meeting
– Propose the appointment of Honorary Members at the Meeting;
– Decide on all the ordinary and extraordinary administration operations and authorize the President, Vice President and Treasurer for the implementation of the resolutions.
– Determine the date and venue of the Ordinary General Meeting
– To decide on eventual participation in other entities;
– Decide on the admission of members, after due inquiry and verification of compliance with the requirements for admission listed in Art. 7;
– Require the convening of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting indicating the date and place;
– Establish the dues for members, defining the terms of payment;
– Decide the approval of the financial statements of other entities in which the Association owns shares; .
– Work with the Treasurer for the preparation of economic and financial statements, annual reports and the annual report, as well as the preparation of the budget.
– Establish working committees with special assignments calling also upon Members who are not Directors.
– Coordinate the activities and the development of Territorial Sections.
– Evaluate courses and training programs, and training providers in order to enable its members to comply with the obligations of the lifelong learning and propose their accreditation to the President;
– Propose to the President the issuance of certificates to members who meet the standards of quality and professional qualifications that members are obliged to respect the exercise of professional activity;
– Ensure the effective completion of compulsory continuing education of the members referred to in paragraph 5 of the Duties of members as per Article 6 of the present Statute
– Coordinate and monitor the activities of the consumer citizen’s reference desk, at which buyers of professional services can communicate in case of disputes with individual professionals, as well as obtain information related to the general professional and quality standards demanded of members, ensuring and controlling the delivery of an appropriate level of service.
The Council is chaired by the President or, in their absence, the Vice President, or in their absence, by a person appointed by the Board.
If the Board does not provide, within three months of their appointment, to elect the President, the nomination is deemed to have lapsed. The most senior Director shall undertake the role for normal administration and convene the Assembly within two months from the date of forfeiture of the Council.
Whoever presides over the Council verifies the regular constitution and express themselves by all other rules for proper functioning of the same.
Article 12. The President and the Vice-President
Under Law 4/2013, and subsequent amendments, the President is appointed by the Board of Directors and is the legal representative of the Association in relation both to members and third parties, with signature, for all the acts of ordinary administration, including those relating to banking assets and liabilities to the extent of exposures.
The issuance of a certificate pursuant to the provisions of Law 4/2013 and subsequent amendments is the duty of the President.
The President is responsible for convening General Meetings and in case of their absence to carry out this function; the President shall be replaced by the Vice President, by another director with greater length of membership in the Association. The signatures on the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of the substitute Vice President or the most senior person are authentic of the absence or incapacity of the President.
The President also defines the proxies of the Vice-President and Treasurer
Article 13 The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be delegated tasks of the management accounting and of the petty cash of the Association.
Article 14 The Board of Arbitrators
The Appeals Board shall ensure that the spirit of cooperation, morality and ethics is present in all the activities of the Association.
The Appeals Board and its President are elected by the Assembly and hold office for three financial years. The Board consists of three members and one auxiliary.
Founder Members, ordinary members, and certified members not subject to foreclosure proceedings and with at least three (3) years of continuous enrollment in the Association may apply as candidates of the Appeals Board.
The membership of the Board of Arbitrators shall automatically terminate in the event of unjustified absence from three consecutive meetings.
The membership of the Board of Arbitrators shall automatically terminate in the event of loss of their membership eligibility.
The members of the Appeals Board shall be eligible for no more than three consecutive mandates.
The Appeals Board has the task to
- Check on the recommendation of interested parties, also to protect users of the services rendered by the members, that the behavior of corporate officers and members is consistent with the Ethics and Professional Conduct;
- Intervene, also in disputes between members and corporate bodies and those amongst the members, as long as this is in reference to membership activities;
The Appeals Board decides by a majority with reasoned decision on the proposed exclusion from the Association whomever is presented.
The Interested person must be given written notice within 30 days of the decision of exclusion.
Article 15 The Territorial Sections
For the implementation of social purposes, the Association can be structured in Territorial Sections and the latter, in their interest, can be articulated in area Groups.
The Board of Directors, who will determine the territorial scope of expertise, must authorize the establishment of Territorial Sections.
It is the duty of the Board of Directors to dissolve the Territorial Sections when they fail to meet the requirements and conditions for which they were constituted.
The Territorial Sections operate according to regulations approved of by the Board of Directors.
Article 16 The Technical and Scientific Committee
The Technical Scientific Committee is an operational body of the Association consisting of a minimum of three components. The President of the Board of Directors appoints the President, who, within 30 days of acceptance of the appointment, shall report the names of the members that they have identified.
The Technical Scientific Committee promotes and monitors the training of associates either directly or indirectly, as defined in the “Regulations for lifelong learning” as well as promoting ideas, research, studies, projects related to the institutional activities referred to in Art. 3 hereof. Within the framework of its powers it may use external consultants for specific issues, appointing coordinators and defining possible areas of focus.
The members of the Scientific Committee shall hold office for three years and may be reappointed for no more than three consecutive mandates.
Incompatibility of office and conflict of interest
Article 17 . Incompatibility and removal of conflicts of interest
– The office of the members of the Board of Directors is incompatible with the office of President of the local Section;
– The position of Arbitrator is not compatible with other national social responsibilities nor with those of President or Treasurer of the Section;
– The offices of President, Vice President, Treasurer, are incompatible with that of President of the Chamber;
– The Association is committed to identify and remove any situation emerging or emerged of a conflict of interests.
Article 18 . Assets and Revenue
The assets of the Association shall consist of:
– Of the movable and immovable property of the Association;
– The annual dues of members;
– Of surpluses from the annual budget;
– Of any grants, donations, bequests and miscellaneous income;
It is expressly forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, surpluses, funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association, unless the use or distribution is required by law (pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 4 – d letter a of Legislative Decree no . 460/97)
Article 19 Annual Reports
The financial year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.
The final accounts shall require the approval of the Ordinary General Meeting after being prepared by the Treasurer, the Board of Directors and signed by the President. (pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 4- d letter d, Legislative Decree no. 460/97).
The financial statements and all attachments must be available to all members at the headquarters of at least 15 days before the date of the Meeting (pursuant to art. 5 paragraph 4d letter and Legislative Decree no. 460/97).
The budget ends on December 31 of each year and must be approved by the Assembly within 4 months from the end of the year.
Article 20 Guarantee and user protection
In order to guarantee and protect the user, the elements of information necessary to protect the consumer in accordance with criteria of transparency, fairness and truthfulness, are advertised on the website. The Association promotes the activation of a reference desk for the citizen consumer, through which the buyers of professional services can communicate in case of disputes with individual professionals, pursuant to Article 27 – of the Consumer’s Code, referred to in legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206, as well as obtaining information for the professional activity in general and the quality standards required of their members. The structure and organization of the reference desk dedicated to citizen-consumers is contained in the Rules of AIPOB – Rolando Toro Araneda System.
Article 21 Grounds and procedure for dissolution of the Association
The Association can be dissolved for the following reasons:
– Inability to achieve the statutory purposes.
– Resolution by the Extraordinary General Meeting.
– Inability to continue operations or inactivity of the Assembly.
When a fact that leads to the dissolution of the Association is verified, the Board of Directors may not undertake new operations and within 30 days must convene an Extraordinary General Meeting for resolutions relating to liquidation and the appointment of liquidators in the event of their absence, the member of the Board of Directors with greater seniority membership will undertake the duty.
After they have provided for the operations of realization of assets and liquidation of liabilities, the liquidators will draw up the final budget and submit it to the General Meeting for approval.
The Assembly will decide the destination of the remaining assets in accordance with the laws and regulations in force at the time of dissolution.
The liquidators shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred in addition to any remuneration determined by the Members at the time of their appointment.
General provisions
Article 22 Legal provisions applicable
Although not provided for in this Statute, the provisions of the Law for associations are valid.
Article 23 Transitional provisions
The First General Meeting of Members, made by the Founding Members, is intended convened on the same day, an hour after the establishment of the Association. The Assembly will elect the Board of Directors, who will take office immediately after acceptance of the charges by the elected directors. The Assembly will also decide on the adhesion of the new Association to the Scuolatoro Cooperative Society.
The Board of Directors shall appoint a President, Vice President and Treasurer who will be establish the membership fees for the year 2013-2014. Once the President of the Board of Directors has been appointed, the same shall appoint the President of the Technical Committee.