The first Model School was personally founded by Rolando Toro with Eliane Matuk in Milan. Later, when Professor Toro moved to Chile, his native country, the second school was opened with Claudete Sant’Anna in Santiago.

By using the word “Model” Rolando Toro wanted to refer to the school he personally founded and in which he himself was the only teacher through several training cycles. Starting from the foundation of the Scuolatoro Cooperative, by using this definition, reference is made to the schools that intend to follow the Original Method of its creator, respecting his will expressed in the intellectual testament in their way of teaching Biodanza.

The Schools belonging to the Scuolatoro Cooperative are a guarantee of a high standard of teaching, of the effectiveness of the method and of the preservation of the consistency of the Biodanza System of Rolando Toro Araneda (SRTA).