AIPOB Internal Regulations – Rolando Toro Araneda System
The internal regulations define the rules that, in implementation and specification of those contained in the by-laws, are considered necessary for the good functioning of the Association in compliance with the statutory provisions referred to in art. 2-item 3 of Law no. 4 of 14/01/2013 – “Provision for non-organized professions”. This first version defines the requirements concerning the admission of some types of members to the association, the different profiles of Biodanza operators and the general criteria for the organization of lifelong learning. The regulation will be progressively enriched and integrated with other titles and aspects that are not dealt with in this first version, according to the needs that will emerge over time and at the same time the evolution of the regulatory situation in the regional and national areas, especially with regards to the modalities of professional attestation.
- A) Requirements for admission of members
- Ordinary members
Article 5 of the bylaws in point 2 defines Ordinary Members as “Biodanza Operators who have regularly obtained their title at a Training School recognized and authorized by the Scuolatoro Cooperative and recognize themselves in the document “Normative Orientation for Teacher Training Schools in Biodanza System Rolando Toro” and in the “Intellectual Testament by Rolando Toro Araneda”
Considering the many situations that were created in the educational context after the loss of the creator of Rolando Toro Araneda Biodanza and following the establishment of the Scuolatoro – Cooperative (hereinafter Scuolatoro) it is necessary to clarify the following:
The association recognizes as valid for admission purposes:
- the title of Biodanza operator obtained from schools recognized and authorized by Scuolatoro. The Scuolatoro commits itself to transmit the list of recognized and authorized schools to the association. • The title obtained by the operators trained in all the Biodanza Schools of the Rolando Toro Araneda System existing in the world before his death; • The qualification obtained by the operators who have started the training course in one of the Rolando Toro Araneda Biodanza schools existing in the world in an active cycle before the death of Rolando Toro Araneda;
Over and above of the afore mentioned cases, operators who have obtained the qualification in an unrecognized school may be admitted to the association provided they commit themselves to attending at least five of the methodology modules provided for by the regulatory guidance within a year from the first registration to the association (excepting exceptional cases regarding the lack of execution of these modules in that year), in one of the schools recognized and authorized by Scuolatoro. Access to these modules will be free of charge. In the event the member does not comply with this commitment the board of directors may decide to forfeit the status of member, without reimbursement of the membership fee.
- Registered members.
The registered members are defined in the bylaws as: “Ordinary members in possession of the “Certificate of professional qualification” issued by the Association and maintained valid according to the rules laid down by the same in compliance with the minimum quality standards and professional qualification that members are required to respect in the exercise of professional activity. The attestation of professional qualification is assumed and maintained for the purpose of maintaining membership in the association with the status of Registered Member ”
- Trainee members
Internal rules of AIPOB SRTA
The students of the training schools recognized by Scuolatoro can be admitted as trainee members during their internship, provided they are in possession of the Authorisation for Internship and subject to the positive opinion of the Director of the School to which they belong. After completing their internship, the member becomes a Biodanza Operator and acquires the status of Ordinary Member to all effects. After two years, if the trainee has not yet completed the training process and acquired the title of Biodanza operator, they will lose their member status. Exceptions may be accepted by decision of the Board of Directors, on the unanimity of the members, subject to the favourable opinion of the Director of the School of Education who has issued the authorization to the trainee in question.
For other types of members there are no additional rules in addition to those covered by the bylaws.
- B) Lifelong learning activities
The Association, through the Scientific Technical Committee, proposes annual training courses, which professional members (ordinary members and certified members) can participate in autonomously in order to respond to the request for continuing education.
This proposal can include: – Biodanza training courses and seminars at one or more recognized Schools; – specific workshops organized outside the training cycle specifically and identified by the Technical Scientific Committee; – in-depth encounters organized directly by the association on theoretical and/or methodological aspects of Biodanza; – conferences and/or seminars carried out by guests on analogous topics, whose knowledge can enrich the professionalism of the Biodanza operator.
The association through the Scientific Technical Committee can also accredit as valid – for the purposes of on-going formation, and as such, insert them into the training proposal – study cycles, conferences, seminars, master’s courses organized by different subjects such as Universities, Cultural Institutes, Associations, Foundations etc., on topics that directly or indirectly concern the Biodanza System. The recognition, for the purposes of lifelong learning, of the participation of an individual member in a particular initiative of educational value is subject to prior approval by the Scientific Technical Council and the Board of Directors of the association.
The training offers identify in each proposal, internal credit values and defines the minimum number of total credits necessary to maintain the minimum standards of professional training and consequently the status of certified member, in compliance with the provisions of the national law for the protection and guarantee of users.
3) Definition the profiles of the Biodanza operator
The profiles are as follows:
- titled operator (those who have completed the training course and then acquired the competences and the respective title of Biodanza operator); – tutor operator (who in addition to the training course in Biodanza also completed the methodological study for tutor training); – didactic operator (completed the training course in Biodanza, completed the training course for the teaching operators); – operator specialized in one or more areas of the application of Biodanza.
All the training courses referred to in this article are those organized and recognized by the Scuolatoro.